Monday, May 3, 2010


It is the day after the Lincoln Marathon and I can still feel it! What an amazing day! (Although this wasn't the feeling I had for the entire 26.2 miles lol!) There was even a point when I stopped believing the finish would be worth it, but it of course was worth every step!!! It was truly an awesome day for running and the spirit that feels the streets of Lincoln is indescribable!!! I love how I recognize so many runners and bystanders this year. I really felt I belonged! Even the random strangers who didn't know me from Adam but cheered for "618" anyway really helped lift me along the route. Thanks to my personal cheering section at the finish! What a great feeling and really add to the runner high! I completed my first full marathon in 4 hrs 1 min, which leaves some room for improvement next year ;
I am thankful for the guidance of Ann and the support of the YMCA Marathon class. What a great group of runners! I wouldn't not having gotten through this without the last 4 months of group runs, informational speakers, and great advice along the way! Also the great support of my stand in sitters to tote Elijah to and fro so I could go to "class".
I'm not ready to go out and run today, but I am already looking forward to the next event! This was a great experience and I've learned from it. I hope to have as great of time in the future and then some (taking some knowledge with me from this time).