Friday, February 22, 2008

11 Weeks

So there are only 11 weeks until I attempt my first half marathon. I was able to get myself to the gym everyday this week, except for Monday which seems to be my regular "off" day. I can easily do 5k, but really need to start stepping it up a notch if I am gong to run the half marathon successfully and in an amount of time I'll be satisfied with. I keep telling myself once the warmer weather roll saround it won't be as hard to motivate myself to do the work that is necessary to accomplish my goals. I will keep taking it one day at a time and will truly start pushing myself to run my "long" days more regulary. In the mean time, I will continue to find motivation from Karrie. You go girl!!!

1 comment:

Karrie said...

I am so excited that you started a blog too! And to be your inspiration!! Great job on the 5k this afternoon.
I am going to walk my mom's dog... and call that my cardio.