Wednesday, February 27, 2008

No More Excuses!

Ok, so I feel like I have some explaining to do. I made it through my first 5K and survived! I actually ran my best time thus far at 27:54. It amy not be the most impressive time, but I am satisfied! Sunday I made it to the gym with my sister for some weights and just 15min on the treadmill. I tried running, but it started to kill my knee! (I didn't make it to Body Step as originally planned, but i had gone out the night before-mistake on my part!)
I had all intentions of going to the gym on Monday, but I was still wore out and the weather was bad...blah!blah!blah! (Hence the no more excuses.) I also did not go to my regular Body Pump last night, which is not like me. But I had parent/teacher conferences and then had to feed Elijah when I got home and so on and so forth. I had thought about going after he was in bed and Jake was home but I did not. I want everyone to know (that means Karrie and Jennifer) that I got my lazy butt out of bed and did cardio at 5am, followed by the 6am Body Pump this morning. I am also going back tonight for 30min of cardio followed by the abs class with Jake. But the running and lunges hurt my right knee again this morning. I could only make it 3mi before having to walk ( which I at least did at an incline). So I guess I will step it back a notch, but have to keep going if I plan on keeping up with my goals. Please be wishing me better luck and no more knee problems. I will not slack and will not make any more excuses!


Karrie said...

you and jen (do you read jen's blog too?) should compare old knee injury stories. me -- I don't run enough to create stress on my joints, lucky me!
we missed you at bodypump, but understand your parenting duties. will you be there saturday morning? I am super-impressed you were up at 5.

Karrie said...

ummmm.... I thought you were going to update? This is still the same old post! I'm waiting...