Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Another visit after a brief "vacation"

Ok, so I've taken a slight break from blogging and from any kind of exercise. Don't ask me what that heck was going on because I can't even begin to say. Well, maybe I can at least begin to say why. Work has been kicking my butt and keeping my stress level high. (You'd think that'd be motivation enough to get my butt in gear, but sadly, no.) Then of course E has been having some difficulty adjusting to his summer schedule at daycare and it is a little bit of a struggle. Also he was having t ball practice twice a week and games weekly. They have cut down to one practice a week now, so that means I can get back to Thurs Body Pump if I don't have any dinner dates at work.
Also my BF has been trying his best to be a good guy and he does a good job, I just wish he'd do a great job. We're working on that, although he didn't come through this past Saturday for the Havelock Run and I had to skip it! But I have moved on from that...mostly. ;)
I did manage an hour of gym time Friday, a 45 min bike ride Sat, Body Combat Mon, and an hour gym time last night. Tonight I have plans to take E and my recent high school graduate sis to the zoo. They will supply dinner and a behind the scenes tour! I am hoping my sister will agree to hang out with Elijah after that so I can go to the gym.
My current motivators right now are my Nashville trip with Wes over the 4th and then the big 10yr HS reunion in Aug. So everyday I remind myself of my goals everytime I eat and every time I get myself to the gym.
This week I won't be able to make it to Body Pump because I have commitments the rest of the week. But I will still fit in my gym time and will hit BP next week!
I'll keep you p0sted!

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