Saturday, February 23, 2008

Am I pushing it?

So I went to Body Pump this morning and we had a great group show up. Good job girls! Then I stayed for some cardio work with my sister, as she has gym time to make up for high school. I am spending this afternoon trying to recoup some strength for the 5k Fundraiser I am running in today. Is it possible to be overlymotivated and do TOO much? I am sure it is, and I may be sorry tomorrow. But you know I'll be right back at the gym tomorrow doing my regular routine of Body Step. I think when my sister meets me after that I'll do some light weights so I can save some energy for my "long" run Monday night. THAT is going to take some REAL motivation. I don't typically do Mondays at the gym, but I have to go this week because I am over due by a long shot!Am I really going to be able to do this thing they call the Half Marathon? Let's hope so, because right now I am not working that hard towards it....


Jen said...

Good luck on training for the half! I remember trying to train last year and how hard it was on my body. I made it up to 9 miles before my body quit on's hoping for a 10k later this year!

Unknown said...

we missed you at body pump tonight, hope to see you at the gym again soon