Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Where to Begin?

I don't everyone to think I've been slacking on doing anything active. We've a had a busy week and I am doing my best to fit in true workouts. I know it only benefits me overall. I wish life didn't get in the way of everything. Time to get some priorities straight I guess. But here's where my times been going lately.
Thursday of last week I made it skating with E and Wes. Although E still has a LONG way to go, I could tell he was having fun just being there with his friends. It was a lot of fun being brought back to that old school kind of fun again. I only fell once after Elijah pulled me down from behind. I am proud to say that I avoided landing on him, although causing more pain to myself. Ahh, the mother's way of living.
After soccer practice Friday we went to church for game night. Elijah had a blast! I think he played maybe 2 games total, before all the kids were involved in a game of tag. It wore him out, so I'll go with it!
Saturday morning Elijah and I ran his first mile together. We participated for the 2nd year in a row at the Zoo's Fun Run/Walk. Last year we walked it, much to Elijah's dismay who did not want to be there at all. This year he wanted to be the fastest! That did not happen, but he did run the whole time with much coaxing from his mama. Then after that brief but good run, I was up for more punishment and went to the gym for another 3 mile run. My goal is to steadily run 5miles with an occasional 7mile run thrown in there. My brother claims he would like a running partner, so we may have to work something out. I am not sure how that will work, because half the time he is my sitter so I can run. Hmmmm?....
Then Sunday I probably had the best Mother's Day I've had in a long time. Jake went to church with the family early so we could head out for breakfast. (Where I ate too much and entirely bad for me.) But it was my day, so who cares right? Then Elijah took my mom to the zoo, while Wes took me to Husker baseball where I even got a bit of sun. Then we picked up E and went to Pioneers Park. We played baseball and soccer before heading over to the playground. Then we went for a nice walk and did the whole "family" thing. Then after playing hard we went to Applebee's where I was able to make good food chocies. Although I did wash my good food choice down with a Sangria. (Again, a much deserved Sangria!)
Monday I had every intention of going to Body Combat, but Elijah's soccer practice had been rescheduled to that night and tonight I have a meeting at church. (I hope to hit the gym for some cardio after that. I am hoping Jake will stick around long enough for that.) I guess that leaves Wednesday morning Body Pump on my calendar. YIKES!!! I know I can do it, I know I can do it!
So I know I took a break after the half marathon, but I am back. It's just a little slower going than I originally planned. Plus work has really been draining any extra energy out of me. Being outdoors Sunday felt so good! I can't wait for more days like that!!!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Good Intentions

I had every good intention geared towards goping to BP tonight. I arranged for my bro to watch E so I could go in peace. Plus my son is grounded from the TV and won't be watching it the gym either! Well, my brosef sttod me up for dinner with some girl. I haven't met her yet, but he talks an awful lot about her. I guess I'll let it slide. That just means he owes me tomorrow! Hopefully soon E will earn back his TV priveledges and then I can drag him along to the gym with me. If it isn't down pouring tomorrow, I'll go for a walk over my lunch break. I always find that refreshing and rejuvenating. Spring is here and I need to kick it in gear! Thursday night E's school is having a skate party and that's how I plan to get my work out done! (Now as long as I don't break my butt doing it, we're all good!)

Monday, May 5, 2008

2 hrs 23 mins well spent!

Who knew it was truly possible? I was a doubter myself until the very end. I set a goal for the Half Marathon of 2 and 1/2 hours. I DID IT!!!!! That's right folks, I ran it in 2 hrs and 23 mins. The highlight of it all, besides crossing the finish line in one piece, was having my son and brother there to greet me at the end. Wesley even made it there before I crossed the finish line to cheer me on. Jake told me he was proud of me with the greatest amount of sincerity. That made my day! I recommend to anyone else out there who wants to run in a marathon, full or half, truly train for it.
It's a lot like having a baby in my mind. As you go through your pregnancy you do what everyone tells you to do and follow the experts advise. You are just trying to be as prepared as possible without really knowing what to expect. Then as you start the actual process of labor, it's not totally unbearable, although you still aren't sure what you got yourself into. By the time you get to the point where you want to quit or go back, it's too late for that, you've got to keep going. Before you know it, the pain and misery is over and you made! You have a sense of accomplish and wonder. You still aren't sure how it all happened and how you survived but you did! Then you take some time to rest and recupe. Granted, you aren't ready to go out and do it all over again the next day, but you know you'll be up for it again in the future. This time around you'll know how to really prepare and truly know what to expect.
I was out there to show myself that I really could do it. I had the best of intentions to train appropriately and I will next time. It was also for all my friends who work hard everyday and meet their goals one step at a time. Nothing is too great or too small not to be proud of it. Keep up the good work and we've got to continue to be there for one another. Never underestimate the power of an encouraging word. Sometimes all it takes is someone saying you can do it and they'll be right there with you. I've got a renewed sense of motivation and I'm going to start taking my fitness more seriously. I've got to enjoy it while I can! If you don't use it you lose it!