Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I might just make it!

Since I am officially registered to run in the half marathon, I developed a new training plan to help accomplish that goal. Since I have gone to the gym now 4 days in a row! and plan on going tonight after my meeting, my plan may just work. I will run one mile more each day than the day before. So Sunday I ran one mile straight and then continued on the treadmill with hills. Last night I ran 2 miles straight and then continued with hills and the elipitical. So that means tonight I will run 3 miles and I may do that again tomorrow before I go up to 4 miles. They say as long as you can do 9 ot 10 miles comfortably, you can do run the half marathon fine. I have set a goal of 2 1/2 hours for the half marathon, I figure that is more than enough time. I know it may be a little cheap to set the time longer than I really feel I need, but I don't want to be disappointed with my first attempt at the half marathon. So here's to my new plan and to sticking to it!

1 comment:

Karrie said...

Way to go on making it to the gym 4 days in a row... and going for 5 tonight. I am having a change in plans tonight, and am going to attempt to make it to BP tomorrow morning (Wednesday) wanna join me?
Just be careful when adding that many miles. I heard somewhere you're only supposed to increase distance 10% each week. (So two miles, to 2.2miles!!!!) But you have run five before, so maybe you don't need to be careful until then!