Friday, April 11, 2008

What a Guy!

I was feeling pretty down last night after the monthly meeting at work yesterday. All week I had plans to go to the gym, but after the meeting my new plan became eating ice cream and curling up on the couch. (That didn't end up happening either.) After talking to Wes, he remembered I asked him to drag my butt to the gym even when I acted like I didn't want to go. The boy is always remembering silly things like that. So he diligently picked me up last night and got me to the gym where we elipitisized? and walked/barely ran on the treadmill. It was a nice hour's worth of cardio and just enough of a visit with Wes. Now I am looking forward to our date on Sunday. (Actually Wes is taking E out for his B-Day and I think I just get the priviledge of joining them.) Tonight I won't make it to the gym because I have dinner plans with Karrie and Jennifer. But we all deserve a day off right? I'll be there Sat and Sun and have been there the entire week. Friday is a good day to take off and I think I've earned it. I've even made good eating choices this week, which may also be blown tonight. But we all deserve that occasionally too, right?