Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two Week Vacation....

Ok so not really, but I did unfortunately take two weeks off from the gym. I could go on and on with excuses, but that's all they are; lame excuses. The important thing I made it back to the gym yesterday over my lunch hour. I will also be there tonight and tomorrow. Finally going to make it to Goodyear with the girls! (They were sick last week and I've only been there once, so therefore not ready to go on my own.) Also on a positive note, with the great weather last week and this past weekend I took advantage of it! I went for a great 2 mile walk with a co-worker on Friday and played outside with my son all day Saturday. He and I even got plenty of walking in working on our Safari! So I guess I wasn't a TOTAL slacker after all. Plus I've been tracking my activity levels for N-Lighten Nebraska and I want to see those go up! Nothing but motivation on my side now!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Welcome back... and see you Wednesday!